Week of April 21st

The prototype is finally in full swing. I’ve got a fancy login page and a couple of pages that will display only for certain user roles. For instance, a student can’t access the “Class Settings” page. Right now the authentication is extremely basic – a simple call to the database will check if the logged in user is of a certain role. It’s not how the final system will work but it’ll do for a prototype. Now that I’ve actually started coding I’ve started thinking about how to populate the calendar with events from the database. Since we want to make it so that when the user clicks the navigation buttons on the calendar (to change dates) the calendar updates itself with events for that date range, I’ll have to look through FullCalendar’s documentation to see what API calls I can use. Ideally I either need a method that returns the currently displayed date range or need to figure out a way to display only the days of the current month and not any from the past/next month.

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